Friday, October 15, 2010

Why is patriotism so important?

Many countries in the world have no patriotism is, those countries attend to be the countries with no rights and many rules, a non-free country. However, America is a free country and many people take that for granted. Patriotism is when one shows love and/or respect for his/her country. Many people don’t do either. In America we are the freest, we are the strongest, we are the richest, but what do we have to do to get everyone in America to understand how good we have it here?
Millions of lives have been taken so we and our children can have three square meals and a roof over our head, but look at other countries, millions of people have lost their lives in other countries as well, but they don’t get three square meals or a roof over their head. Over half the population in China is out in the streets because they are so over populated; many people who live on the streets will die faster than the average person. In America only a small amount of people live in the streets.
Patriotism is a big word, it’s hard to pronounce and even harder to show. But in America you don’t have to show it all day every day, only show your patriotism when you feel the time is right. Show the other countries that we love this land we call our own, let them see how far a country can go if everyone believes it can excel! Let us show the others out patriotism!