Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Speak: to utter or articulate words sounds with the ordinary voice; talk: he was too ill to speak.
This is the meaning of ‘speak’. To talk or speak are the same, but when one is a book, they are completely different.
Rape: the unlawful compelling of a woman through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.
Rape is no joke. Some may say otherwise. Many more people have grown used to the word ‘rape’, but why would one be playing Call of Duty: Black Ops, get shot and say into the intercom that the one who shot at them had raped them? Who knows? Who wants to know truly is the question.
Call: to command or request to come; summon: to call a dog; to call a cab; to call a witness.
When one calls someone people assume they are calling for a friend, a family member, one who they can trust. But what happens when you are at a party and someone calls the police? Now what?
The three words listed above are words that help define the story of “Speak”. When one is raped they call for help. When one calls for help they speak. But what if they don’t? What would happen if one doesn’t speak when the police are on the line?
There are many things that you will remember throughout your life. Either a child being born, or an old man’s death. Rape or harassment. When one experience one of these things they will remain in their life forever. Some have the ability to forget but most do not. The memories haunt in their brains for the rest of their life. Well except for the child being born, that just stays in the brain. No matter when one experiences any of these things their will change forever.