Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Still Waiting

I stand alone, waiting. The line was long and slow moving. Hours had gone by before one person was done. Why would this line be so long? Skeletons are lying on the floor, waiting to be picked up by someone. A woman behind me was pregnant, after a few days of waiting she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Unfortunately the woman did not want to loose her spot, so she gave her child to a man who walked by. It seems impossible that this line would be so long, but I guess this is important. Although it may not be a flu shot or auditions for a new television show. No this event is going to be one of the biggest franchises ever! President Obama will be here as well. Lucky for me that doesn't make it any more special. It is said that George W. Bush will be here also. Seems like a very, very important thing. My little siblings said that I would have to go to under stand the beauty behind it. I still don't believe them. I hated the first, like I hated the Harry Potter movies, or books. I saw the first when it came out on DVD, I tried to read the book, I'm surprised they haven't made a video game of it yet. There are songs, movies, books, and even impersonators. The impersonators for this movie had not made me laugh like the youtube video; Christopher Walken prank call. Or anything that involves Christopher Walken. Ah, my turn. I bought my ticket, over priced of course. I'm not even going to worry about food or snacks, I just want my seat. The lights dim, trailers. I love the trailers, it's the one time of my life where I get to be a critic. A few hours later, I am still waiting for what people had told me; "It's so romantic." "It's so funny." "It's the best movie I have ever seen." Well my friends, I saw it. And my answer is still the same. Twilight SUCKS!


  1. Leave 10 comments and I will right another writing peace on what I call; "Thumbs Down Movies".


  3. Hay like the story I agree Twilight SUCKS!

  4. I think you should write another thumbs down movie.
